Yoga is an ancient practice from India that helps keep your body, mind, and spirit healthy. It includes simple exercises, breathing techniques, and meditation to make you feel stronger, calmer, and more focused in daily life. Yoga, which began as a spiritual practice has now become popular as a way of promoting physical and mental well-being.
Yoga has been around since the very beginning of human civilization. It started thousands of years ago, even before religions and belief systems existed. It’s an ancient practice that focuses on improving both the body and mind. Yoga is a simple yet powerful practice that combines body movements, focus, and deep breathing. It includes 26 different poses and 2 breathing exercises that help you feel more relaxed, flexible, and healthy.

ASHTANGA YOGA (The 8 Limbs of Yoga)
Patanjali's Eightfold Path of Yoga is like a step-by-step guide to living a good, balanced, and meaningful life. It teaches us how to be kind, self-disciplined, and focused, helping us find inner peace and happiness. Think of it as a roadmap for a healthy mind and body, leading to self-awareness and spiritual growth.
The eight limbs of yoga are as given below:
1. YAMAS (Abstinence)
Yama refers to a set of principles or guidelines that help us live peacefully with others and the world around us. Think of them as rules for being a good person in society. These are simple values like telling the truth, being kind, not harming others, and not taking what doesn’t belong to us. By following these, we create a more balanced and positive environment for ourselves and those around us.
There are five Yamas- Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Bhramacharya, Aparigraha.
2. NIYAMAS (Observation)
Niyama is all about personal habits and self-discipline. It focuses on things like cleanliness, contentment, self-reflection, and personal growth to help you live a better and more meaningful life. The Sanskrit word ‘ni’ is a verb that means ‘going inward’ or ‘within’ something. Niyama, usually refers to internal duties. The prefix ‘ni’ comes from Sanskrit and means ‘inward’ or ‘inside’ something that moves or focuses within.
There are five Niyamas- Saucha(cleanliness), Santosha(contentment), Tapas(burning of desire), Svadhyaya(self-reflection), Isvarapranidaha(surrender to a high power).
3. ASANA (Posture)
Asana in Sanskrit means a way of sitting or a seat. It's like finding a comfortable position to sit in. It is the third limb in in the eight limbs of yoga. Patanjali’s only instruction for this yoga pose is simple: Your posture should be steady and comfortable. The idea is to be able to sit in comfort so we’re not ‘pulled’ by aches and pains or restlessness due to being uncomfortable.

4. PRANAYAMA (Breathing)
Pranayama is a simple yogic breathing technique that helps you control and focus on your breath. It’s like giving your body and mind a refresh through deep, mindful breathing. In yoga, breathing is not just about taking in air; it’s about harnessing energy. This energy, called prana (life force), flows through us and keeps us active and healthy. Pranayama is a special way of breathing that helps increase this life energy, making us feel more alive, focused, and balanced.
5. PRATYAHARA (Withdrawal)
‘Pratya’ means to withdraw or pull back. our senses take in continuously. ‘Ahara’ refers to everything we take in like the sights we see, the sounds we hear, or the smells around us.
6. DHARANA (Concentration)
Dharana means ‘focused concentration’.‘Dha’ means to hold or maintain something.
‘Ana’ means something different or something else.. It means focusing completely on one thing at a time, whether it’s a place, an object, or an idea—without getting distracted.
7. DHYANA (Meditation)
Dhyana is ‘meditation’ or ‘meditative observation’. It is the state where we become completely absorbed in the focus of our meditation, and this is when we’re really meditating.

8. SAMADHI (Absorption)
Samadhi is a state of deep peace where the mind becomes completely calm and still. It is the final step of the journey of Patanjali’s yoga sutras.
The word 'Samadhi' can be broken into two parts: 'Sama' means same or equal & 'Dhi' means to see

In a fast paced world filled with endless distractions and stressors, finding inner peace can often seem like an elusive goal. The practice of yoga, an ancient discipline that combines physical postures, breath control, and meditation, has emerged as a powerful tool for achieving this elusive tranquility. While yoga is renowned for its physical benefits, it also offers profound mental advantages.
It helps you focus better, stay calm, feel at peace, and be more content. This creates a sense of balance and harmony both inside and out. With the help of yoga, you can manage daily stress, anxiety and its consequences. Yoga helps keep your body strong and steady while calming your restless mind. Through a series of gentle movements, breathing exercises, and mindfulness, yoga helps you calm your nervous system. By activating the relaxation response, it lowers cortisol levels and reduces the physical symptoms of stress and anxiety.
We see yoga as a way to live a healthier and happier life. Our experienced trainers are passionate about guiding you through a transformative yoga practice that nourishes your body, soul and mind. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced, there’s a class for everyone at BTA. Yoga is not just about the physical practice. It's all about bringing people together and creating a strong sense of belonging. You’ll meet like minded individuals who share your passion for yoga and wellness.
Not sure where to start?
No worries, Our knowledgeable trainers are always there to guide you. They’ll provide modifications and adjustment to ensure that you’re practicing safely and effectively.
So, what are you waiting for?
Join us at BTA and embark a transformative yoga journey. Say goodbye to stress and anxiety, and discover the bliss of yoga. Your mind, body and soul will come to harmony and will feel grateful.
Remember, the first step is always the hardest, but we promise you won’t regret it. See you at BTA!